Hello My name is Julia Press Simmons and I have a problem with finishing shit.... but I'm working on it.
I rarely finish what I start. I procrastinate like I am getting paid to do it, and I run around like a chicken with my head cut off in the eleventh hour.
This is my biggest character flaw. This is the devil that I have to vanquish to get to the next level, and these are the steps I am taking to wage the wore on the scatterbrained disorganized lazy fuck-soup that is trying to kill my writing career.
I am following Dr. G's tips on being consistent...
TIP #1: Make a conscious decision to remain consistent.
Say out loud to yourself, “I am committed to remaining consistent each day in my goal. I am doing this!” Notice the statement is in the present tense. This technique commands your subconscious mind to act now, not later. Consistent actions require consistent thinking, specifically consistent thoughts that you are and will remain consistent.
TIP #2: Revise your concept of time.
The only time you have is RIGHT NOW. Later on, next week, next month, or next year is only a concept or thought in your mind. Tomorrow is not here, next week, month, or next year is not here. Right now is here. The point of power is always in the present moment and all the anxieties or worries about later on are not happening now. So let go of thinking, “I have to be disciplined and consistent all day, week, month, or year,” TO “I am disciplined in this moment. Right now is the only moment I need to pay attention to. I am only required to be consistent and disciplined in this moment.” Be in the NOW.
TIP #3: Have a plan. Know your objective.
The definition of a “plan” is: “A scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective:” A plan is in place so that you don’t have to do the thinking before hand or in the moment. Preparation is consistency’s wonderful cousin!
You must have a plan to be successful, even if it’s a daily plan. For example, you could prepare your meals for the week or get a nutrition consult for a meal plan. Pack your gym clothes the night before and write in your planner what your workouts will be for the week. Buy and implement TriMarni Coaching and Nutrition 5-week Triathlon Transition Plan to build base and strength.
It is imperative that you have a plan so that you know where to direct your actions, thoughts, effort, and time. It must be a plan that you want. It must be in line with your values and your hearts desire. The more emotionally invested you are in your plan, the more you will remain committed, the higher your chances are for success.
TIP #4: Remember that feelings and thoughts are temporary and subjective.
Any negative feeling or thought that could intrude on you being consistent is temporary. It is an illusion. In the moment it feels very powerful, but in an hour, 10 minutes, or tomorrow you could feel very different. Don’t let temporary illusions of stress, anxieties, worry, or insecurity derail you from your plan. In moments like these it’s critical that you push through the discomfort and JUST DO IT! Execute. Do the workout, eat the healthier option, or make the time. Remind yourself how you will feel after your workout, or after you have conquered the moment. It will be worth it.
TIP #5: Do one thing at a time. Be in the present moment.
In my mindfulness skills training we call this doing one thing mindfully. It is being fully and 100% present in your moment. Allow your mind and body to be present and engaged. When you find yourself distracted or your mind wandering you bring it back to full attention of your moment. For example, if you are working on foot position, pedal stroke, freestyle catch, elbow angle, etc. you are fully and acutely tuned in to that and only that aspect, nothing more and nothing less. This concept is why mantras and self-talk are powerful. They bring your attention back to the constructive action at hand and in the moment.
BONUS TIP: A great concept that I came across, thanks to one of my Wattie Ink teammates Chris Hague, is thinking of this time as “pre-season” versus “off-season.” Off-season sometimes implies letting everything go, permission to be in excess, or dare I say it, an excuse to not be as disciplined as we normally would be. “Pre-season” has come to mean, for me, preparation, transition, build up rather than let go. It gives me a sense of focus and empowerment. Try it out and see if it works for you my fellow triathlete’s. Obviously, for my runners/trial runners, short course swimmers, skiers, basketball players, and footballers we are still in season so this may work for you later:)
When all else fails and the above tips do not work, then use the foolproof guide below to help you stay consistent.
If you are “not feeling like it”…do it any way.
If you are sad…do it any way.
If you are busy…do it any way.
If you are tired…do it any way.
If you are feeling good…do it any way.
If you are “too stressed”…do it any way.
If you are unmotivated…do it any way.
If you are on vacation…do it any way.
If you are unsure…do it any way.
If you find yourself making excuses…do it any way.

No matter what trust that you can and will stay consistent. Be patient one moment at a time. You are an amazing person with valuable gifts to offer the world, but first master the gift of giving the best to yourself- through being consistent with your hearts desire. Once you stay consistent with yourself, every thing else falls into place.
If you need some support in identifying goals, creating a plan, or needing support to stay consistent feel free to contact me and we can set up an individual plan geared towards staying consistent and motivated. As always my wonderful people…SHINE ON and OWN IT!
Consistency Defined...
Are you stopping short of the finish line? Consistency is the difference between failure and success. Here's why.
Throughout my career, I've strived to stay consistent about consistency. Even the best business plans will fail without a dedication to consistency.
If I say I'm going to do something, I do it. If I say I'm going to be somewhere, I'm there. If I initiate a new business process or initiative, I follow through. In my experience, consistency is a must as you build and grow your business.
Here's why:
1. Consistency allows for measurement.
Until you have tried something new for a period of time and in a consistent manner, you can't decide if it works or not. How do you measure effectiveness if what you are measuring isn't performed consistently?
I typically give new initiatives, processes, and organizational structures at least six months before judging them a success or failure. It's often minor tweaking instead of major overhauls that make the difference.
2. Consistency creates accountability.
I ask my employees to be accountable for their deliverables and goals. They should expect the same in return from my leadership. I put a priority on making time for and being available to my team. I work to establish consistent and recurring meetings when a project or aspect of the business requires attention.
The simple fact that there is a set time to report on progress is often the catalyst that moves an initiative along to a successful end.
3. Consistency establishes your reputation.
Business growth requires a track record of success. You can't establish a track record if you are constantly shifting gears or trying new tactics. Many efforts fail before they get to the finish line, but not because the tactic was flawed or goals weren't clear. The problem is often that the team simply didn't stay the course to achieve the objective.
4. Consistency makes you relevant.
Your employees and your customers need a predictable flow of information from you. All too often I see businesses, both small and large, adopt a campaign or initiative only to end it before it gains traction. It's effective to run many advertisements, numerous blog entries, weekly newsletters, or continual process changes throughout a year.
5. Consistency maintains your message.
Your team pays as much or more attention to what you do as to what you say. Consistency in your leadership serves as a model for how they will behave. If you treat a meeting as unimportant, don't be surprised when you find they are doing the same to fellow teammates or even customers.
When something doesn't work, I look back at what happened and ask some serious questions. Did we shift gears too quickly? Did part of the team not deliver on a commitment? Or was the expected outcome off base from the start? Most of the time, the reason tracks back to lack of consistency.