A few months ago I challenged myself to complete 30 blogs in 30 days to build disciplin...
um, well, I didn't make it...
I didn't beat myself up about it. I've learned to stop hurting myself, but I was disappointed. Flexing my will in that small way triggered a change in me that can't be denied. I started to finish things, almost everything! I was so proud. Then, like my mother says, "life happens when you make plans."
So with no further ado...
Today is the first day of my blog/will/life building exercise.
I ate cake yesterday, and I'm not talking a slice, I'm talking chunks... smh! I've never mastered the art of refusing cake's sweet song. That's why they are rarely in my house. Now I'm about to go to the gym to right my cake-eating wrongs.
everyday is a gift a chance to do better...
30 blogs+30 walks+30days=disciplin