Day 14

Okay, blogworld, I woke up nervous as hell. I was to hold my first book signing at my 29th and Dauphin location, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to be received.  I was nervous for the author, Marcel Emerson. I wanted him to do well and come away with a positive experience. I waited for my phone to charge and walked for 45 minutes. My pace was super slow and my mind was abuzz with what ifs.

I took my time getting ready. I checked and rechecked all the stuff I needed. For what I don’t know because I left half of it home. Once at the stand I had to drive all the way back home to get Marcel’s table.

I felt like a major dork!

But, Marcel did well despite it all! I am humbled by the love I receive in my city, and inspired by the generosity of spirit.


The video footage I recorded had a major lag time with sound. I’ll be trying to fix that all night. I am doing a double shift at work and working on the edits on my breaks.

I have instituted a strict writing schedule for the month of April. I’ve several projects in the works and I am excited about them all!

I hopefully can get a walk in on my evening meal break.

Until later


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